Monday, 18 November 2019

Dancing around the C word

My healthcare experience means that I could hardly avoid the thought, from the very beginning of this process, that cancer was a possibility.  I may have mentioned it in a blase way to friends and family but it was very much at the front of my mind and directed where my energy went in pushing for the tests I believed to be of the highest priority. No simple task I'm afraid, and to those with no healthcare experience, you have my greatest sympathy in getting this done alone!  My GP called this afternoon with the results of my CT abdomen/pelvis and the news that there will most probably be a biopsy in my near future. There appear to be some simple cysts in my spleen, kidney, and ovary that she didn't seem worried about, however, there is a 2.3cm mass below my right lung on the lining inside of the chest wall (pleura.) The reporting radiologist commented that it doesn't have the appearance of infection so I guess we wait and see. I'm waiting for an urgent appointment to see the respiratory team that I was under during my admission and will see what happens.
I genuinely thought I was ready to hear that this might be a possibility, but I shook for about an hour after the phone call. Anyway, hopefully, this is all much ado about nothing!

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