Monday, 14 September 2015

Life would be boring if I was consistent at everything!

So what can I say? I'm not very good at updating this which is a shame. When I look back at earlier posts it's great to be able to see progress, or on the flip-side it's useful to be able to reflect on a time when things seemed to be going badly as a reminder that things change.

I've managed to fail to document an entire marathon training cycle which is impressive! Taper started yesterday and I'm still in one piece (touch wood) and feeling strong. I'm registered for the first running of the Galway Bay Marathon (previously a half and 10k) on Saturday October 3rd.

Image borrowed with thanks from the event FB page

Should I talk about targets? I'm not particularly superstitious so I'm happy to document my A,B,C and D goals.

  • D - Finish!
  • C - Small PB (3:45-3:54)
  • B - Large PB (3:30-3:45)
  • A - Sub 3:30
Key sessions are pointing to being ready for my A goal. Goal marathon pace is 8:01 and I've been there or under for my marathon pace tempo runs. Can I do it for 26.2? Not a clue but I'll give it a go!


  1. OMG I love it! Wishing you all the best and I hope you smash A! Hope to see you out in Salthill for the run :) I'll be on the sideline :)

    1. Thanks John. Hope it's a nice day for runners and spectators. Only 200 in the marathon I think so nowhere to hide if things go horribly wrong!!! Either way the Salthouse is only a stiff legged walk away from the finish :)
